
July 12, 2013

Hi, My name is Kalie, and I am a mom.

Well, I always said I was going to do this. I'm not sure why I pick the day I start a mommies group, switch to cloth diapers, and have my daughters first teeth coming in to do so, but hey, I'm a mom I can just grow another arm, create more time, and deal with one more thing. A shower isn't necessary, right?

First, thank you for finding me! I don't know who you are, where you are from, and why you found me, but I am sure glad I'm not typing to hear the keys clicking. I really hope you stick with me and I can share my dyi's, recipes, thoughts, and adventures as a first time mommy with you!

Second, Let me tell you a bit about me. I am a 25 year old mom of an 8 month old, and wife to my wonderful husband. I love to cook, craft, sew, and budget (<----not really but I feel like I should get gold stars when I find a way to save more money). I have been a stay at home mom/wife for a little over a year. I thought it would be fun, easy, and totally amazing. HAH! I was as oblivious as my childless friends still are. Oh those were the days. I'm not saying I don't love it. I'm saying that it is hard. Very hard. I often say that if people knew they would never take this job not for any money in the world. In fact, I was one that didn't know and I willing, heck, even forced my way on the this run away train on the fast track to crazyland. So buckle up your five-point, rear facing to 40lb or two years, side impact tested, front adjust, double removable cup holder, and super cute fashion printed car seat because I'm taking you with me!

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