
July 12, 2013

Oh, little Turtlebug, You make me feel so Warm?

A couple days ago I decided I was going to add just a little more work to being a mom. I switched to cloth diapers. I went to our local cloth diaper shop with our debit card and Turtlebug. I figured I'd go and be out pretty quick. Well, a few hours and a bit over 100$ later I left feeling less that confident but pretty stylish and trendy with my brand new pricey microfiber butt cuddlers. Don't mind my kid's current disposable is probably deteriorating from being peed in for a couple hours in the stroller....I got this.

I returned home and showed my husband my "stash". That's what you call your diaper supply, you know, if you're cool. He was busy installing new windows, which is a story for tomorrow...Oh, boy. He didn't seem interested in learning all the in's and out's that I most likely still have wrong. I decided to wash my diapers and inserts. Which was a whole new project! You can't use just ANY detergent for these puppies it has to be free of anything the eco wonder bunny didn't make with his magic natural wand. So I found a wonderful detergent recipe I'm in love with that doesn't cost an arm and a leg. I will post that later. I promise. So off to the store again.."really is the 60 bucks I'm going to save worth this?" is all I could think. Anyway made the soap. Washed the diapers. Went to bed.

Yesterday I started using them. I was in love. Things were awesome...mind you turtlebug did her dirty work in a disposable in the morning before I started the cloth. Night time came and I doubled up on inserts to keep her dry...

I went to get her and do the morning diaper change, bottle and back to bed. I pick up my screaming starving daughter only to become wet. Not like the kind of wet you get when holding them in a bath towel right out of the tub, but the OMG you did not just pee directly on me kind of wet. I put her on her changing pad to discover that she was drenched in pee, I was drenched in her pee, and well, apparently I have what is know as a heavy nighttime pee-er. Joy. My kid eats like a horse, and pees like one as well. So I strip her, clean her, and myself. Continue the process and go back to sleep knowing I'll be in the diaper store again...Hi nice eco friendly mommy, It's me the crazy lady...again.

I was promised what I was given today works on a 2.5year old over night...we will see.

Anyway, little did I know turtlebug had more warm feelings for me. We went to the grocery store this afternoon. No big deal. She was a bit wiggly in the cart but I figured she was mad at me for not feeding her as I shopped, which I tend to do just to eliminate the chance she could scream in our small town store and I would have to contend with glares, stares, and scoffs...oh my! We shopped with out incident. As I got her out of the cart she felt wet on the outside so I figure oh nice, more leaks well we are two minutes from home I'll deal with it at home. Once safely in our drive way with our crazy creepy neighbor out of sight, I took her out. I heard a plushy plop on our drive assuming it was her dinosaur I went to get it. This is where things really get warm and cozy. There was my 30$ cloth diaper on the ground, and even more fresh hot pee soaking into my third shirt of the day. I guess when they say to check and be sure the Velcro is secure they were being serious, it is possible to mess up Velcro.

So that is the first 24 hrs of cloths diapers. They really give me a warm squishy feeling so far.

 I hear the whistle, next stop crazyland.

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