
July 14, 2013

Well, that escalated quickly

I am trying to reach out and find moms to become friends with. If you have ever tried this then you know it can be difficult. Obviously, one doesn't want to be friends or expose their kids to just anyone and that's the hard part. I started a group on Facebook. Bad idea. Very bad idea.

Things seemed well at first I had a few ladies I was looking forward to setting a playdate up with, and then more people were added, and then a few more. Suddenly my group was full of people who didn't fit in with the original group or it's ideals. Problem. How to get out with out being a "bad guy". I left and turned it over to someone else. I started a new group and asked on a parenting page if anyone would like to join and gave some basic guidelines....bad idea. Apparently, if you have any sort of idea or guideline for the moms you want to be around and have a group with you are a judgemental, discriminating momster...yes momster. As of now my daughter and husband are cursed, wished ill and I am the like and more.

On the positive note, the old group has blocked me and are happily talking about me in total secrecy. They have a lot to talk about, I mean, they knew me via Facebook for 48 hours. Glad I could bring a group of like minded girls together that were nothing like me and my family.

Also, my new group has a few members already and has rules and guidelines to prevent this from happening again. These few women are appreciative of the guidelines so we are a group of similar but different women and feel that our kids are safe and we are too.

Let's see how fast this thing runs along.

I'm on the fast track to crazyland. Do you want to come?

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